Hikaru Oshi No Ko: A Twist of Fate in the Manga World

hikaru oshi no ko

The latest chapter of Oshi No Ko manga has left fans in shock with its thrilling revelation. The murderer of Ai and the father of Hoshino twins has become a sponsor for the movie! This unexpected twist raises questions about the true intentions of Hikaru Kamiki and what lies ahead for the characters we’ve come to love.

Hikaru Kamiki as a sponsor: A part of Aqua’s plan?

In chapter 138 of Oshi no Ko, Kaburagi is seen having a conversation with Hikaru Kamiki, hinting at their shared understanding of Hikaru’s association with the Hoshinos. By becoming a sponsor, Hikaru gains influence over the movie’s production and can potentially make changes that could harm Aqua, who is already facing challenges. But could there be more to Hikaru’s involvement than meets the eye?

It is possible that Hikaru’s confidence stems from the fact that he committed both murders at a young age and remains unpunished. However, Aqua may have been planning something from the beginning. Despite his calm demeanor, Aqua has been obsessing over revenge and might have found a way to keep track of Hikaru’s actions.

Through the movie, Aqua can reveal the truth about Hikaru’s crimes and achieve his ultimate goal of getting justice for his mother, Ai. It’s even plausible that Ai had communicated Hikaru’s passion for the industry through a DVD, allowing Aqua to stay one step ahead of his father all along.

The Truth Unveiled

With Hikaru Kamiki’s active involvement in the movie, fans can’t help but worry about the safety of their favorite characters. Kaburagi, who initially seemed like a mere bystander, now holds more secrets than expected. As the Oshi no Ko manga progresses, we anticipate getting closer to the truth and discovering the fate of these compelling characters.

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![Ai Hoshino](Ai Image via Doga Kobo)