Isekai Op MC: Trapped in a World of Adventure and Danger!

isekai op mc


“What doesn’t kill Amber only makes her stronger.
Without any warning, Amber is transported from her dingy student apartment to a fantastical realm with magic, monsters, and a universal System. However, even though she is forcibly ripped from her home and thrust into a dangerous new life, for the first time ever, she finally feels free.
There are no cheats for her. There are no gods to guide her, and some would even laugh in her face. But the pain, the hardships, and the challenges only give her strength. As the first Cursed Berserker seen in over a hundred years, Amber welcomes the world of Vir with a smile on her face.
And she will not be satisfied until she is the strongest.”

Chapter 1: A Glimpse into Amber’s World

Amber was determined, pushing her body to the limits as she ran on the track. Ignoring the coach’s advice to take a break, she pressed on, her focus solely on her goal. But suddenly, a wave of sickness overwhelmed her, forcing her to stop. Exhausted and frustrated, she reluctantly agreed to rest, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to continue.

As she made her way back to her student apartment, Amber reflected on her passion for running. It was her escape from the monotony of life, a way to challenge herself and explore her limits. Her apartment, messy and disorganized, was her sanctuary, where she felt most at ease.

But little did she know, her world was about to be turned upside down.

Trapped in a Mystical Realm

Amber woke up to find herself in a dimly lit stone hall, surrounded by strange symbols and statues. Confused and disoriented, she couldn’t comprehend where she was or how she ended up there. As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, a medium-sized frog approached her.

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Thinking it was a dream, she allowed the frog to lick her hand, only to be shocked when it attacked her. In a panic, she fought back, using a nearby rock to defend herself. The frog lay lifeless on the ground, its defeat marked by a notification in front of her.

Baffled by the notifications and their references to levels and classes, Amber accepted the class of Warrior, embracing the newfound strength and skills it provided. She felt empowered, knowing that these abilities might be the key to her survival in this unfamiliar world.

A Battle for Survival

Amber ventured further into the mysterious tower, facing an onslaught of frogs that seemed determined to attack her. With each encounter, she grew stronger, leveling up and acquiring new skills. Despite her injuries, she fought relentlessly, determined to find a way out and return home.

As she explored the tower, Amber discovered engravings on the walls depicting worshipers and a strange entity. The tower seemed like a temple, but the presence of deadly frogs puzzled her. She couldn’t deny the reality of her situation. She was trapped, and her only option was to navigate through the tower’s treacherous depths.

With a mix of determination and fear, Amber committed herself to a perilous journey. She knew she had to find a way out and return to her world. But first, she had to overcome every obstacle, fight every monster, and push herself beyond her limits.


Amber’s adventure in this unknown realm had just begun. With her newfound strength and skills, she was determined to survive and find a way back home. The tower was filled with danger and mystery, but her determination burned bright.

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As Amber prepared to face the challenges ahead, she couldn’t help but wonder how she ended up in this fantastical world. Was it a dream? Or was it a reality she couldn’t comprehend? Only time would reveal the answers, but for now, Amber’s focus was on survival.

Follow Amber’s journey as she navigates through this unforgiving world, fighting against monsters, unlocking her true potential, and uncovering the secrets of the tower. Join her in her quest to find freedom and discover the truth of her existence.

Fecomic – Where manga and adventure collide!

Author’s Note:
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Amber. This exciting story was co-written by my dear friend MelasDelta, who has written other amazing works like Salvos. I’m incredibly grateful for the inspiration I found in MelasDelta’s writing, which encouraged me to start writing again. Stay tuned for more thrilling chapters of Amber, as we delve deeper into this captivating world!